Service &

Our dedicated service and maintenance team ensures your system continues to generate clean, renewable energy, protecting your investment for years to come.

Qualified Electricians

CEC Accredited

Australian Standards

Compliant & Followed

No Warranty Voiding

Obligations Met

Solar Power Maintenance and Servicing

Why servicing is important

Introducing The Main
Why One Needs It

Regular service not only extends the life of your system but also enhances its efficiency, ultimately saving you money and reducing your environmental footprint. delivers its full potential.

Performance Optimisation
Longevity and Protection
Peace of Mind

Preventative Care

We Care About Your Installs To Keep It Future-Proof

Count on us for comprehensive service plans, meticulous inspections, and timely repairs, assuring your solar system consistently delivers its full potential.

Service Plan
Remote Monitoring
Expert Diagnostics
Solar Power Maintenance and Servicing
Solar Power Maintenance and Servicing

“Our purpose is
forged from our
unwavering passion
for renewable energy.”

Solar Orphan? We got you.

Got Discontinued
Support On Your System?

Is your original retailer or installer no longer answering your calls? Solar Install Co is here to provide continued support and service for your solar orphan. Our experienced technicians are well-versed in handling a variety of systems, ensuring you’ll continue to enjoy reliable solar power.

Have Questions? Call Us On 07 3630 6414

Let’s redefine the renewable energy landscape, one enlightened choice at a time.

Service packages

Same Service Quality,
Tailored To Your Needs.

Solar Install Co offers various maintenance packages. While the service remains consistent, opting for multiple services provides you with valuable discounts.


One-Off service

Pay once only when you need it.

Most Popular Plan


Bi Annual Service

Minimum of 3 years sign up.


Ongoing Annual Service

Minimum of 3 years sign up.

No Matter What Plan You Choose, Servicing Is Done The Same Way With Each Of The Following Inspected

Solar PV Modules


Wiring installation

Electrical characteristics

Protective devices

Mounting system

Let’s Get Started

Book A  Service Plan Today

Kickstart your solar system’s journey to peak performance by booking a service plan with us today. Solar Install Co’s expert team is ready to provide the maintenance and care your system needs, ensuring it operates at its best.

Leave Your Details Below

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